A Glimpse of Hope
I was sitting at my desk, enjoying my numerous privileges as a North American citizen who’s already determined that Barack Obama is the only sane choice for the future and wondering about what to do for lunch when a friend dropped the summer 2008 issue of Glimpse on my desk. “There’s something about
Having been busy formalizing my education over the past year-point-five (first at the California Institute of Integral Studies, and now at the Colorado Technical University Online), I hadn’t thought much about
But there it was, sitting on my desk, partly covering the recent book by Riane Eisler (The Real Wealth of Nations), which I doubt would be on John McCain’s and Sarah Wink Wink Palin’s reading list (though I wish it was). So I explored the magazine with my chef salad and diet coke and took part in a wonderfully unexpected look at modern
The article began with a mild historical perspective; “
There doesn’t seem to be a way to tell American people about the history between their big country and the small island without putting things mildly, as the truth will simply drive many to their corporate media viewing stations.
Glimpse magazine’s section on
The youngest and wisest person that I know once said that Cuba-policy seems to be run by spoiled children from a wealthy family… children that won’t ever have to worry about getting a scholarship for school, or even completing their required course work in order to graduate.